The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is an employer paid resource for employees to help with a variety of problems, for example:

  • Counseling – How it works: you and your family can call the Resource Advisor toll-free number (1-888-209-7840) to speak to a counselor at any time, day or night. And they can set up face-to-face or online counseling with a local licensed professional, such as a psychologist or social worker. You and your family members can get up to three counseling sessions, face-to-face or online, for each concern, like job stress or family issues.

  • Mental health

  • Work/life balance

  • Healthy living

  • Parenting

  • Financial planning

  • Legal

Support and help is only a call away and it’s not limited to emergency or crisis situations. Names and other personal details are confidential between you and the EAP provider/counsellor.

To access the EAP program you may either: